It is hard to believe that one year ago this week I became paralyzed and my new journey of Blu on Wheels began. Before I got hurt, I was a happy, healthy dog that enjoy running around playing with my brother and sisters. Chasing the cats and cuddling on my mom's lap on the couch. But all that changed in an instant when I ruptured a disk in my back and couldn't walk anymore. But, I am still a happy Blu!!!
Today, I just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me this year. I couldn't have done it without your prayers and support and advice. I may never walk again on my own, but that is okay because I am alive and happy and healthy and blessed with family and friends that love me.
Today, I thought I would just finish my post with some pictures from the new journey I started last year. I hope you enjoy them.
The day I got my new wheels
Thanks Eddie's Wheels for making me cart
It's great to be outside wearing my new coat
A trip to the vets. Thank you all for saving my life
Best birthday I ever had!!!!
Bath Day
Blu on Wheels

Mom and I thank you all
Love, Blu
Great pictures little mate! Woo are an inspiration to us all. Thanks for allowing us to share your journey. Woooos,
RA, Isis & Nanük
Hi Blu, you're right Blu. My leggies haven't worked for awhile either but that's okay because we have good peeps, who love and take care of us. It's not always easy but we all press on. We're glad that we had a chance to meet on line. Things are still unsettled up here. So my peeps are still stressed. My dad replaced the wheels on my wheelchair again. They last about a year and then they get kind of bald. Anyways, we hope that you've put on some enjoyable miles on yout wheelchair. Here's to another but better year ahead. Best to your family.
Love you Blu!!!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Hi Sweet Blu,
We don't think of you any different than the rest of us. A Doxie is a Doxie is a Doxie! Just a big bundle of love with short little legs. Life doesn't always go according to plan but as my Grandma always use to say "no one ever said life was gonna be easy." She was a smart woman! You've been through so much (and your family too) but you ARE here, you ARE loved and you ARE enjoying life. That's BIG blessings all rolled up into one. We commend you Blu for working through the trials and tribulations. You are an inspiration to all of your followers.
May the new year bring you everything you hope for.
Much love,
Lily Belle & Muffin
Thank you all for your kind words. I am a very lucky pup to have friends like you all and a family that loves me.
Pawsome pawtographs. We are glad you are happy and wish more people were happy with what they have. Then of course people can't be perfect like us dogs.
Essex & Sherman
Hope woo are well mate, we were thinking of woooo today...
Hi RA,
Whoo hoo, thank you for thinking of me. I am doing okay. Me Mom has been really busy with work. I said that we need to update me blog soon.
She wants to do something when she is on vacation soon.
Enjoy your day
I'd like to place your blog as a link on my site but need to know where your site originates from---I think Connecticut?
My site is
If I don't hear back from you I'll categorize your site as "location unknown"
Would you be willing to place a small banner link from my site on your blog?
Please contact me thru the contact page on my site.
Thanks much, Leland
We miss hearing from you Blu! We hope that all is going well on your end.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Hope you are well Blu, love an husky woooos my little furiend,
Miss you dude, love an gentle woooos,
Nuk & Family
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