A Post From Blu's Mom
As some of you might already know on January 31, 2012 we lost a very special member of our pet family. Her name was Blackie. Otherwise know to us as Queen Blackie, or Wacky Blackie, or our One Grand Cat. But really she was a Queen and she held that title with grace until the day she went to the Rainbow Bridge.
Queen Blackie
Blackie was 14 1/2 years old when she suddenly feel ill and died. I guess in a way it was God's way of not allowing a very special cat suffer for too long. Because you see after she became ill we found out that she had cancerous tumors in her abdomen and stomach. We never knew that she had them because she never let on that she was that sick. We thought we would have to make the decision for when to say goodbye to Blackie, but again God in his own way did it for us. The vets allowed us to take Blackie home, and she died peacefully in Chris' arms about an hour after she came home. It was a fitting ending because Blackie was Chris' cat, and they always had a special bond. We all miss her a lot, but we have 14 years of very special memories of her that we will keep in our hearts forever. Today as a tribute to our special Blackie I would like to share some of this memories and pictures with you all.
Blackie was born in July of 1997 to my niece's cat named Lucky. What is amazing is that we had found a little kitten in June and named him Lucky. Some of you might know our beloved cat Lucky from Facebook.
When we first saw Blackie, Chris fell in love with her and she came into our lives in October of 1997.
Blackie with her favorite toy.
Sitting in one of her favorite chairs
Blackie resting or watching out for the pups

Yes folks she really was watching a movie! It was Muppet Treasure Island
Her and Lucky became best buddies and you would always find them together someplace in the house. Here are some pictures of the Blackie and Lucky together.
Lucky and Blackie when they were young.
Our Wacky Cats.
Oh just in case you are wondering the bird wasn't eaten just in another cage.
Blackie and Lucky always shared a window
One of the last pictures of Lucky and Blackie together before Lucky died in 2010.
At one point in time we had 3 cats and here is a picture of three very special Dudley cats who are now at the Rainbow bridge together.

Lucky, Blackie and my precious cat Tuffy.
One of the reasons why we called her Wacky Blackie was because of the silly things she did. Here are some pictures of our silly Blackie.
Playing with her toy.
Using a fan stand as a pillow?
Blackie loved to go into a bag.
Blackie went into Chris' backpack, so he was going to try to take her to school that day. Sorry Blackie, but mom had to say no because of some silly rule of no pets at school.
She loved to help me wrap gifts.
Or lay down on top of them
Blackie was my son Chris first pet, and they held a very special bond. Chris was 7 years old when we got her and it was a joy watching them both grow up together. Here are some pictures of the 2 of them.
Chris loved to read to Blackie
Surfing the Internet together
Queen Blackie with a now grown up Chris
Chris and his Blackie
There is no real easy way to end this tribute except to say, thank you Blackie for 14 special years together. It was an honor to have you as a member of our family. We miss you so much and we will never forget you. Love you always. Mom